
Your neighbours need your help. This pandemic is more than a public health crisis, and for Toronto's most vulnerable, the impacts of COVID-19 can be especially harsh. Food insecurity and unemployment are on the rise, as well as domestic violence and mental health struggles.

The best way to help is to support organizations at the frontline of helping those most affected by the pandemic. We've created the COVID-19 fund to make that simple and impactful. Join the fight by donating to the fund.


The COVID-19 fund consists of high-impact charities focusing on 3 important areas:

  • 1 — Protecting the most vulnerable populations
  • 2 — Supporting healthcare systems here and abroad
  • 3 — Providing food security to those in need

Every charity in the fund has been carefully vetted by our research team to maximize your impact. Learn more about our method.

1 — Protecting the most vulnerable populations

There are over 7,000 people in Toronto experiencing homelessness, which puts them at a higher risk for infection. Refugees who have recently arrived struggle to find stability amidst the economic turmoil. The FCJ Refugee Centre and Haven Toronto provides vital services that directly help these vulnerable communities.

As we struggle through isolation, many of us may be cut off from our usual support systems. And for some, home is a dangerous place. The Assaulted Women's Helpline, Distress Centres of Toronto, and Kids Help Phone provide crucial telephone support services for women, children, the elderly, and those with mental health issues.

Settlement agency

FCJ Refugee Centre

FCJ Refugee Centre helps uprooted people settle in Canada. They provide refugee protection, assistance with paperwork, interpretation services, and referrals to immigration lawyers. Last year, they helped resettle 39,000 individuals to Canada.


Haven Toronto

Haven Toronto is a drop-in centre where homeless seniors, marginally housed, and socially isolated men can feel safe, form and cultivate friendships, and become part of a community. Last year, they served roughly 250 to 400 clients every day. Drop-ins at Haven Toronto receive food and access to nurses, dental hygienists, and other health services.

Crisis intervention

Assaulted Women's Helpline

The Assaulted Women's Helpline provides 24/7 crisis counselling for women, seniors and others who need assistance in Ontario. Their counsellors recognize the danger of isolation in abusive relationships and are working to support individuals through difficult times.

Crisis intervention

Distress Centres of Toronto

Distress Centres Toronto provides 12 crisis lines aimed at different types of counselling support. These programs include suicide prevention, senior support, multi-lingual support, connections to emergency medical services, and more.

Crisis intervention

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is a 24/7 support service available to young people across the country through calls, live chat, or text. In addition to providing crucial support and counselling for young people in crisis or need, they also refer them to other support services available to them. Every day, over 1,000 youth reach out to Kids Help Phone.


2 — Supporting healthcare systems here and abroad

Healthcare systems play a critical role in protecting our community, and they need our support. Doctors Without Borders Canada (MSF) delivers urgently needed care around the world, and StayWell offers subsidized accommodations for healthcare workers, helping ease financial stress and keeping their families safe.

Emergency health response

Doctors Without Borders Canada

Doctors Without Borders Canada (MSF) is leading the global COVID-19 response by providing case management, carrying out infection control, and building health structures to treat COVID-19 patients in over 70 countries. As of August 2021, they’re also on the ground in Haiti providing direct care to those affected by the earthquake, and also in Afghanistan, providing critical medical care.

Healthcare support


StayWell provide affordable accommodation for healthcare workers and patients who cannot reside at home and receive treatment at the same time. Currently, they provide 170 units at below market rates for healthcare workers on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19 in Toronto.


3 — Providing food security those in need

1 in 8 households in Canada are food insecure. As millions of jobs are lost during the crisis, food banks will play a crucial role for even more families. Daily Bread Food Bank provides fresh and shelf-stable food to over 130 food banks and public libraries across Toronto.

Food bank

Daily Bread Food Bank

Daily Bread Food Bank provides healthy food for food insecure people across the GTA. Last year, they distributed 10 million pounds of food, 37% of which were fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition to food distribution, Daily Bread Food Bank also provides training and cooked meals to its partner food banks. Through their partnership with Toronto Public Health, they helped 191 food bank users access free dental services last year.



Our individual actions have enormous impacts on those around us. Washing our hands, social distancing, and staying home can save lives. If you want to do even more, here's how you can find local volunteer opportunities:

Spark Ontario has a dedicated COVID-19 page that lists all volunteer opportunities across Ontario.

Volunteer Toronto offers an email sign-up option to become part of their COVID-19 Volunteer Response Team.

Purposely lets you post offers of assistance or browse requests for help from your neighbors. These tasks usually range from picking up groceries to filling medication prescriptions.

If you choose to participate in any volunteering activity, please follow City of Toronto, Ontario Ministry of Health and WHO recommended guidelines to keep yourself and others safe.


Thank you to Quartermaster, Ivy, and Willful for their generous support of the COVID-19 fund.

Want to donate on behalf of your organization? Get in touch.

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Recent donations

Someone donated $20
Someone donated $20
Someone donated $20
Andrea donated
Megan donated $100 Amazing work - with give.
Someone donated $1000
Someone donated Thank you!
Someone donated $10 Flatten the curve!
Someone donated Thanks for doing the research and making this easy!
Someone donated
Someone donated Thank you!
Someone donated $100 On behalf of Tasvir Khalili at ToolBx for going to bat for some great people impacted by covid layoffs.
Someone donated
Someone donated Thank you guys for doing the research
Dylan donated $5 For all the immigrants and refugees struggling right now!
Roxy donated $100 Thank you for researching these charities and making it so easy for myself and others to donate.
Tim donated $55
Someone donated $20 <3
Christina donated
Kate donated we’re all in this together! thanks for making it so easy to help.
Joe donated $5
Someone donated
Pei donated $20
Nikki donated $50 Thanks for creating this!
The donated $200
Someone donated $5 Thanks for first responders all over the city!
Angela donated $20 For everyone who has lost their job or cannot get one because of covid-19! We are #strongertogether
Someone donated $1000 Such a great idea! Thanks for making giving so easy.
Sandhi donated $50
Someone donated $5000 This is awesome. Thank you guys for making this happen.
Someone donated
Helen donated $100 #StrongerTogether
Someone donated $10 Great job team! You're really making things easier for those who want to help but may not know how to; with a great list of charities too!
Cheryl donated $5 This is great initiative! Thanks for putting together some high-impact charities who are in most need to be put on this platform.
Maxim donated $1275
Someone donated $10 Great idea, great set of charities!
Julian donated $1000 Thank you for putting together this fund for donation. It's really helpful to be able to help those who really need it! <3
Julien donated $20
Tucker donated $20 Stay safe
Evan donated $20 🤘🏼🤠🤘🏼
Adam donated $20
Someone donated $10
Georges donated $20
Jeff donated $25 #strongertogether
Someone donated $5