Thank you!

From the founders

We started Give because we believed that the experience of giving was in need of reimagination. Our mission was to build an app that made giving simple yet incredibly smart to empower the next generation of philanthropists.

Since our launch, our community has donated over $330,000 to 113 charities using Give. We’re especially proud of the fact that ~70% of those donations were from monthly recurring donations.

While there’s so much we’re proud of, we were ultimately not successful in getting to a place of long-term sustainability. Because of that, we’re sad to announce that we’ll be winding Give down on October 31st, 2022.

Building Give has been some of the most rewarding work of our careers. Whether you’ve been donating with Give since the beta or started last week, thank you from all of us for being a part of this journey.

Until next time,

Jeff, Georges and Angela
Founders of Give

Special thanks to those who believed in and supported our vision from the earliest days: our funders (angel investors, IDEO, Gates Foundation), advisors (Evgeny Tchebotarev, Nora Jenkins), and board members (Aneil Gokhale, Heather Keachie, Moez Bawania).


When will my last donation be?

Your last donation will be on the start of your October donation cycle. You can find the exact date by going to the account tab, tapping “donation amount”, then tapping “When is my next donation cycle?”.

What will happen after October 31st, 2022?

All active donations will be cancelled, and you will not be charged again.

Where can I find my donation receipts?

You can access all your donations receipts here.

If you have any other questions, please reach out at

Continue your impact

While our impact is coming to an end, yours can continue.

Below is a list of all the charities in our funds - every single one has been vetted extensively by us, and are all worthy of your support.

We ask that you choose 1-3 charities whose mission resonates with you and set up monthly donations with them, so they can count on your onging support and create lasting impact.



519 Church Street Community Centre

The 519 provides support and services to the evolving needs of the LGBTQ+ community in Toronto. They provide services like counselling, refugee support, and trans programming. Last year, 1,947 refugees and newcomers received one-on-one settlement support and 107 homeless youths were successfully housed.
Indigenous Resilience


Anduhyaun works to support Indigenous women and their children to maintain their cultural identity, self-esteem, and economic, physical, and spiritual well-being. Last year, they provided 243 women and 34 children with safe shelter and counselling. They also provided transitional housing for 20 families, including 11 new families and 8 families who were able to move to permanent / affordable housing.
Indigenous Resilience

Anishnawbe Health Toronto

Anishnawbe Health provides both western and traditional health care modelled on Indigenous culture and traditions. They provide numerous health services including primary care, palliative care, mental health programming, pre and post natal programs, 2 spirit and transgender programs, traditional healing services, and many more.

Assaulted Women's Helpline

The Assaulted Women's Helpline provides 24/7 crisis counselling for women, seniors and others who need assistance in Ontario. Their counsellors recognize the danger of isolation in abusive relationships and are working to support individuals through difficult times.
Women and Girls

Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic

The Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic is a women-run clinic where women who have experienced violence and trauma can receive counselling and legal support. Last year, the centre provided 2171 women with counselling to heal from trauma and 2293 women with legal assistance. In additional to direct intervention, the centre advocates for law reform to benefit women.
Afghanistan Relief, Newcomers

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre provide services to refugees, like safe temporary housing, resources, and follow-up support to help guide them through the settlement process. Last year, they served 11,419 people in total.

Community Living Toronto

Community Living Toronto provides people with intellectual disabilities with short term care and residential support. Last year, Community Living Toronto helped a total of 4,395 individuals receive care.

Corbrook Awakening Abilities

Corbrook provides services and support for people with developmental disabilities and helps them become more independent. Participants are able to obtain work experience, learn new skills and meet new people. Corbrook runs two social enterprises - a boxing company, and a spice packing company - that employs many individuals with disabilities, which supplements the cost of running their programs. Last year, Corbrook created employment plans and provided training for 273 people with developmental disabilities.
COVID-19, Holiday, Homelessness

Daily Bread Food Bank

Daily Bread Food Bank provides healthy food for food insecure people across the GTA. Last year, they distributed 10 million pounds of food, 37% of which were fresh fruit and vegetables. In addition to food distribution, Daily Bread Food Bank also provides training and cooked meals to its partner food banks. Through their partnership with Toronto Public Health, they helped 191 food bank users access free dental services last year.

David Suzuki Foundation

The David Suzuki Foundation works to conserve and protect the natural environment through evidence based research, education, and policy analysis. Last year, they launched the Clean Power Pathways, a project to deliver choices and effective approaches to meet energy and climate goals. Their Butterflyway Project continues to help grow highways of pollinator habitat throughout Canada to feed and shelter pollinators.
Asian Resilience, COVID-19, Holiday, Mental Health

Distress Centres of Toronto

Distress Centres Toronto provides 12 crisis lines aimed at different types of counselling support. These programs include suicide prevention, senior support, multi-lingual support, connections to emergency medical services, and more.
Afghanistan Relief, COVID-19, Haiti Earthquake Relief

Doctors Without Borders Canada

Doctors Without Borders Canada (MSF) is leading the global COVID-19 response by providing case management, carrying out infection control, and building health structures to treat COVID-19 patients in over 70 countries. As of August 2021, they’re also on the ground in Haiti providing direct care to those affected by the earthquake, and also in Afghanistan, providing critical medical care.

Easter Seals

Easter Seals works to improve the quality of life for Canadians living with disabilities by helping them access mobility and accessibility equipment. Last year, they provided 786 children with funding for mobility and accessibility equipment. They also gave out over $44,000 in scholarships to help children with disabilities access post-secondary education.


Ecojustice uses the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all. Currently, they have 31 active court cases to safeguard the climate for current and future generations.
Women and Girls

Elizabeth Fry Society

The Elizabeth Fry Society helps women and non-binary people involved in the criminal justice system. Their programs include helping women who are looking to exit the sex trade industry, supporting women in accountability programs find help instead of entering the criminal justice system. Last year, they supported 1,513 women across different programs.

Environmental Defence Canada

Environmental Defence works to defend clean water, the climate, and healthy communities in Canada. They focus on 6 main issues: ensuring safe products, stopping climate change and creating jobs in the clean economy, growing Ontario's Greenbelt, protecting Canada's fresh water, ending plastic pollution, and helping beach and marinas reach the blue flag eco certification.
Holiday, Youth


Eva's provides shelter and transitional housing for youth, particularly those dealing with mental health and addiction issues. They connect youth to health, employment, and educational services to help them get back on their feet. Every day, Eva's provides services to over 120 youth.
Afghanistan Relief, COVID-19, Newcomers

FCJ Refugee Centre

FCJ Refugee Centre helps uprooted people settle in Canada. They provide refugee protection, assistance with paperwork, interpretation services, and referrals to immigration lawyers. Last year, they helped resettle 39,000 individuals to Canada.

Forest Stewardship Council

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifies timber products to ensure responsibly managed forests as well as social and environmental best practices along the supply chain. They help consumers make choices at the product level to support healthy forests and an ethical forest industry. 16% of Canada's forests are FSC certified, and FSC issued 633 chain of custody certificates in Canada last year.
COVID-19, Holiday, Homelessness

Haven Toronto

Haven Toronto is a drop-in centre where homeless seniors, marginally housed, and socially isolated men can feel safe, form and cultivate friendships, and become part of a community. Last year, they served roughly 250 to 400 clients every day. Drop-ins at Haven Toronto receive food and access to nurses, dental hygienists, and other health services.

Homes First

Homes First is a hub for crucial services like food, medical assistance, and shelter. They also assist those who live on the street move towards more permanent housing. In 2019, they helped provided over 174,000 nights of emergency shelter and provided supportive housing to 362 individuals

Horizons for Youth

Horizons for Youth is a shelter for at-risk and homeless youth that provides a safe space and support to find their footing. Last year, they provided shelter and support to 501 individuals, and helped 108 youth transition to independent living.
Women and Girls

Jessie's Centre

Jessie's Centre serves young pregnant women and mothers access a variety of support services. Last year, over 300 youth accessed services at Jessie's, such as prenatal sessions, school programs, counselling sessions, and parenting groups. An additional 91 young mothers and mothers-to-be are being supported in Jessie's housing stabilization program.
COVID-19, Youth

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone is a 24/7 support service available to young people across the country through calls, live chat, or text. In addition to providing crucial support and counselling for young people in crisis or need, they also refer them to other support services available to them. Every day, over 1,000 youth reach out to Kids Help Phone.

LGBT Youth Line

LGBT Youth Line supports LGBTQ+ youth in need by connecting them with LGBTQ+ volunteers. Through live chat, calls, and text, they address isolation and lack of information in the LGBTQ+ community. Last year, the Youth Line supported 4,721 youths with issues such as relationships with family and peers, questioning gender and sexuality, coming out, bullying, and isolation.

Mennonite New Life Centre

Mennonite New Life Centre of Toronto offers a variety of programs to support newcomers and help them integrate into the community. They run programs to help newcomers find jobs, learn English, and find housing. Last year, they served 4,124 clients.
Indigenous Resilience

Miziwe Biik

Miziwe Biik helps individuals in the Aboriginal community find employment, access training, and develop skills. In the past year, they have helped over 8,000 people looking for jobs. At Miziwe Biik, job seekers can access employment services, trade programs, education assistance, job fairs, and workshops. Last year, 467 people found employment, 33 became self-employed, and 569 individuals returned to school.
Indigenous Resilience

Native Women's Resource Center of Toronto

Native Women's Resource Centre provides support to urban Indigenous women and families. They provide culturally relevant support and programming including trauma support, employment assistance, support for women who are experiencing family violence, and more.

Ontario Land Trust Alliance

The Ontario Land Trust Alliance represents numerous land trusts across Ontario and promotes excellency in their work. Last year, they supported the purchase of 21 properties covering over 600 hectares.

Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad provides the global LGBTQ+ community with information and resources on seeking asylum in Canada. Once they arrive, they are connected with other organizations and resources to help them settle and transition to life in Canada. In 2020, they helped 503 individuals facing persecution and violence. Since January 2021, they have received over 2,500 requests for help.
Holiday, Homelessness

Red Door Family Shelter

Red Door Family Shelter provides emergency shelter geared specifically for women and families. In addition to housing, they also provide child care, medical assistance, and programs for youth. Case workers are also available, who can support the families to transition to more stable housing.
Mental Health


Renascent provides rehabilitation programs in Toronto targeting drug, alcohol, and food addictions. The rehabilitation program is an abstinence based 12-step treatment that is built on evidence. Last year 1,424 people received treatment at Renascent.
Women and Girls

Scarborough Women's Centre

Scarborough Women's Centre offers a safe environment and support services to help women become emotionally and economically independent. Last year, they provided services to 352 women including counselling, employment assistance, and violence prevention.

Sojourn House

Sojourn House helps newly arrived refugees find their footing by providing emergency shelter, and referring them to settlement and community services. Without services offering temporary shelters, many people who have recently arrived in Toronto may find themselves on the street. There are currently 300 refugees on their waitlist.


StayWell provide affordable accommodation for healthcare workers and patients who cannot reside at home and receive treatment at the same time. Currently, they provide 170 units at below market rates for healthcare workers on the frontlines of the fight against COVID-19 in Toronto.
Mental Health

St. Michael's Homes

St. Michael's Homes helps people living with addiction in Toronto. In addition to direct treatment programs, St. Michael's offers crucial after care support services for clients who have completed their programs. Last year, 355 clients completed the extended treatment program, 61 completed the transitional housing program, and 427 people participated in the engagement program.
Women and Girls

Street Haven at the Crossroads

The Street Haven at Crossroads is a multi-service agency providing crucial services for women who are at risk of becoming homeless. Their 50 bed emergency shelter served 444 women last year, providing safety, food, and access to other support services. They also help women access computers, and find counselling services.

Team Dog Rescue

Team Dog Rescue is an animal shelter helping shelter dogs find new owners. Notably, they rescue dogs from under-resourced and high-kill shelters in the area. In the past year, Team Dog Rescue helped 99 dogs find new homes.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada works to conserve important natural areas and biological diversity in Canada. They have identified over 100 natural areas for critical protection and 209 species at risk, with 32% of those species having their habitat maintained by The Nature Conservancy of Canada. Last year, they were able to secure and conserve 329,849 acres through their securement projects and conservation agreements.

The Toronto Humane Society

The Toronto Humane Society is a no kill shelter and animal rescue helping to promote humane care and protection of animals in Toronto. Last year, they helped over 3,000 animals find homes, and provided care to 1,300 dying, special needs, and young animals. They also distributed 86 tons of pet food to owners in need.
Holiday, Mental Health

Toronto North Support Services

Toronto North Support Services provides services targeting mental health and homelessness in Toronto. Last year, they helped provide individual case management services to 1,312 people.
Mental Health

Vita Mens Sana

Vita Mens Sana provides specialized services for individuals with developmental disabilities, mental illness, or a dual diagnosis of the two. Their programs include residential support, clinical services, and support for families and caretakers.

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada works to save wildlife in Canada through research, conservation, and awareness. Their work includes protecting wolverine populations in northern Ontario, studying the human impact on boreal caribou populations, the effects of climate change on freshwater fish in northern Ontario, and more.

World Animal Protection Canada

World Animal Protection Canada is a part of an international organization that helps animals everywhere live free from suffering. They protect animals through rescue operations during disasters, and advocate for a more humane treatment of animals. Last year, they improved the lives of 2.3 million pigs through their work with pork producers in Thailand, vaccinated 97,000 dogs in Africa, and more.

World Wildlife Fund

World Wildlife Fund Canada is part of a global network of organizations in over 100 countries working to protect nature, combat climate change, and reverse wildlife decline. Last year, WWF Canada contributed over $500,000 to help with the Australian wildfire relief. They also protected over 39,000 hectares of native plant habitat in Ontario.


YES helps disadvantaged and vulnerable youth by helping them find employment. In addition to connecting them with resources, training, workshops, and mentors, YES also provides them with meals, TTC tokens, and clothing. Last year, YES served 11,973 youths, 84% of whom were able to find employment.
Mental Health


Youthdale Treatment Centres provides psychiatric care and support for individuals and caregivers. Last year, they served 10,806 people through psychiatric crisis services, 634 people through family therapy, and 67 people through residential treatment.



Aunt Leah's

Aunt Leah's is dedicated to preventing children in foster care from becoming homeless, and helping mothers in need from losing custody of their children. They build, acquire, and manage housing for youth and young moms who have aged out of the foster care system. Last year, they supported 351 youths and provided one-on-one sessions to over 11,000 people.
Mental Health

Avalon Recovery Society

Avalon Recovery Society provides support, resources, and connections for women and their families who are struggling with addiction. Their program and services are accessible to anyone who identified as a woman and is seeking recovery. Last year, they received over 27,000 drop-in visits at their crisis support centre, and provided 675 hours of free counselling to women in recovery.

Burnaby Neighbourhood House Society

Burnaby Neighbourhood House works support the diverse community in Burnaby. They provide a variety of services to address the needs of the community including parenting resources, community kitchens, free after school programming, language support and esl classes, seniors program and many more. Last year, they helped 162 newcomers settle in the community, made 1860 trips to deliver food and meals to seniors, helped 1220 clients with computer literacy and 2500 clients with tax services.

Cameray Child & Family Services

Cameray Child and Family Services provides counselling, education, outreach, and advocacy to help strength families. They provide a number of counselling programs like an early years program for families with children ages 0 to 6, and a child victim support program. Last year, they provided counselling to 425 children, saw 413 children through the early years program, 20 children for sexual abuse intervention, and 110 children and youth for victim support services.
Holiday, Homelessness, Mental Health

Coast Mental Health

Coast Mental Health provides resources to help those struggling with mental health illnesses. They provide housing, food, employment, and education programs to help in their clients' recovery process. Last year, they saved 111 client lives through overdose reversals and first aid provided on site.

Community Living Society

Community Living Society provides individualized, flexible, and creative support for adults with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injury. Last year, they provided staffed homes for 123 people and supported independent living for 38 people. They also provided home sharing living arrangements for 68 people, and helped 124 people through the employment program.

David Suzuki Foundation

The David Suzuki Foundation works to conserve and protect the natural environment through evidence based research, education, and policy analysis. Last year, they launched the Clean Power Pathways, a project to deliver choices and effective approaches to meet energy and climate goals. Their Butterflyway Project continues to help grow highways of pollinator habitat throughout Canada to feed and shelter pollinators.

Delta Community Living Society

Delta Community Living Society works to improve the quality of life for people with developmental disabilities and to provide ongoing support for their family and friends. Last year, 8 individuals enrolled in their community living program, 16 in their staffed residencies, and 21 received respite services. 68 individuals were able to receive customized employment and 70 were helped to live in home sharing programs.
Mental Health

Deltassist Family And Community Services

Deltassist offers counselling, community building workshops, senior support, outreach, and other information services to help maintain the psychological and mental well-being of individuals. Last year, they helped 930 individuals through the substance use program, 383 individuals through the alternatives to violence program, and 295 individuals through the suicide prevention program.

Developmental Disabilities Association Of Vancouver Richmond

Developmental Disabilities Association provides over 50 programs and services to children and adults with developmental disabilities, and their families. They provide support services from infant and child development centres, to employment and semi-independent living, to respite and family support. Last year, They made 835 pediatric physiotherapy visits and screened 150 children for developmental delays. They also provided 489 people with licensed childcare and supported 155 families with special needs.

DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society

DIVERSEcity helps newcomers and diverse communities find success and belonging in Canada. They provide multilingual programs and services related to settlement, language, employment, and mental health. Last year, they provided 1,375 newcomers with one-on-one support.
Women and Girls

Dixon Transition Society

Dixon Transition Society works to reduce the impact of domestic violence by providing a safe haven for women and children. They provide transitional housing programs, counselling, and a continuum of service to help women and children live free from violence. From a 10 bed emergency home to second and third stage housing, Dixon Transition Society helps women and children to escape violence and rebuild their lives. Last year, they helped 488 clients and provided over 1,300 hours of counselling.


Ecojustice uses the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all. Currently, they have 31 active court cases to safeguard the climate for current and future generations.

Forest Stewardship Council

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifies timber products to ensure responsibly managed forests as well as social and environmental best practices along the supply chain. They help consumers make choices at the product level to support healthy forests and an ethical forest industry. 16% of Canada's forests are FSC certified, and FSC issued 633 chain of custody certificates in Canada last year.
Holiday, Homelessness

Greater Vancouver Food Bank

Greater Vancouver Food Bank provides healthy food for those in need in Vancouver. Last year, they distributed 4 million pounds of food and supported 8,500 people every week. They also provide food to over 80 community agency partners and served over 40,000 individuals through these partners.

Health Initiative For Men Society

Health Initiative for Men (HIM), runs 5 clinics throughout Vancouver providing free testing and other services to self-identified GBQ men. Last year, they provided counselling to 200 individuals and medical testing services to 6,500 clients. HIM also runs community engagement programs around body image, grief and loss, substance use, gay elders.
Afghanistan Relief, Newcomers

Kinbrace Community Society

Kinbrace provides housing, orientation, accompaniment, and education services to refugee claimants in Canada. Last year, they helped 39 refugee claimants move from homelessness to permanent housing and provided 46 newcomers with comprehensive integration support.
Disability, Youth

Kinsight Community Society

Kinsight works with families of children, youth, and adults with developmental delays and disabilities. Last year, they served 1,832 children through infant development programs, children development, early intervention therapy, transition planning, and others.

Langley Animal Protection Society

Langley Animal Protection Society, or LAPS, is an humane animal shelter working in the Langley area to take in surrendered animals, provide training and vet support, as well as spay and neuter programs. Last year, LAPS spay and neutered 240 feral cats and spent more than 500 hours on positive reinforcement clicker behavioural training.

LGBT Youth Line

LGBT Youth Line supports LGBTQ+ youth in need by connecting them with LGBTQ+ volunteers. Through live chat, calls, and text, they address isolation and lack of information in the LGBTQ+ community. Last year, the Youth Line supported 4,721 youths with issues such as relationships with family and peers, questioning gender and sexuality, coming out, bullying, and isolation.
Holiday, Homelessness, Mental Health

Lookout Foundation

Lookout Foundation provides many services to individuals coping with a variety of challenges including poverty, mental illness, substance use, trauma, mental or physical disabilities, chronic illness, and financial and legal issues. Their programs include medical and dental clinics, food bank, needle distribution and community cleanup, HIV and Hepatitis C support, and employment programs. Last year, they provided shelter to 2,852 individuals, housing to 1,176 tenants, received over 21,000 overdose prevention visits, served over 410,000 meals, collected over 46,000 needles, and received 187,385 visits to the supervised consumption sites.

North Shore Multicultural Society

North Shore Multicultural Society provides refugee and newcomer settlement services, low cost english classes, youth workshops, as well as employment support for those new to Canada. Last year, they provided services to 5,037 newcomers, and provided diversity and inclusion training to 2,100 North Shore residents.
Women and Girls

Options Community Services Society

Options Community Services provides a wide range of programs to youth and families including counselling, support, domestic violence services, and transition houses for women fleeing abuse. Last year, they provided 648 children and families with counselling services, supported 633 vulnerable pregnant women, and provided 3,027 people with mental health housing services.

Paws For Hope Animal Foundation

Paws for Hope works improve lives of companion animals in BC by integrating animal welfare programs with social service programs in order to address the root causes of pet surrenders and neglect. Their Better Together program provides supplies, food, and veterinary care for low income pet owners, which last year helped 604 pets access veterinary care, and connected their owners to 11 different social service agencies. Their No Pet Left Behind program providing temporary fostering for pets whose owners are dealing with a crisis, including escaping violence, dealing with addiction, or seeking mental health treatment.
Mental Health

Plea Community Services Society

Plea provides services that help children, youth, adults, and families who face significant challenges. Programs include residential treatment for addiction, community based alternatives to youth detention, services for those at risk of sexual exploitation, employment and education support, mentoring, and more. Last year, they helped 85 individuals leave sexually exploitative situations, helped 35 participants overcome issues with substance use, and provided clinical counselling to 282 participants and their families.

Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad provides the global LGBTQ+ community with information and resources on seeking asylum in Canada. Once they arrive, they are connected with other organizations and resources to help them settle and transition to life in Canada. In 2020, they helped 503 individuals facing persecution and violence. Since January 2021, they have received over 2,500 requests for help.

Richmond Centre For Disability

Richmond Centre for Disability provides a range of services for individuals in Richmond living with disabilities. Last year, the provided 2,736 accessible parking permits, enrolled 750 people in computer classes, and provided 2,500 people with joined skills development activities.

Stanley Park Ecology Society

Stanley Park Ecology Society provides environmental education, research and conservation. They work to restore Stanley Park's ecosystem and provide programming that encourage love and appreciation for nature. Last year, they planted 1,739 native plants and restored 2.84 hectares of park habitat.
Women and Girls

Supporting Women's Alternatives Network (Swan Vancouver)

SWAN Vancouver promotes the rights, health, and safety of immigrant women engaged in indoor sex work through front-line service and advocacy. Last year, they served 536 women, filed 13 abuser alerts, and distributed over 500,000 condoms.
Holiday, Homelessness

Surrey Food Bank

Surrey Food Bank provides food assistance to low-income individuals in the Surrey and North Delta area. For clients who are unable to go to the food bank due to mobility issues, the organization offers delivery of their food hampers. Last year, they provided over 50,000 hampers and over 4600 cans of baby formula to the community.
Women and Girls

Surrey Women's Centre Society

Surrey Women's Centre is a crisis centre for women and girls escaping domestic violence, sexual assault, and other forms of gender-based violence. In addition to addressing immediate medical and safety needs, they help women make a safety plan that includes exploring their legal options. Last year, they provided counselling to 1,230 clients, responded to 721 crisis callers, and provided 2,336 individuals with community based victim services.
Holiday, Homelessness

The Bloom Group Community Services Society

The Bloom Group responds to the most urgent needs of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Their services meet the immediate needs of the individuals such as food and shelter, while providing programs to reduce homelessness, offer end-of-life care, support those with addiction and mental health challenges, and help women-led families to stay together during crises. Last year, they provided over 300 units of affordable housing, 33 units of semi-independent housing for residents with mental health related issues, and 47 units of licensed mental health care residential facilities. They also provided emergency shelter for 375 women and admitted over 200 individuals to their hospice for end-of-life care.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada works to conserve important natural areas and biological diversity in Canada. They have identified over 100 natural areas for critical protection and 209 species at risk, with 32% of those species having their habitat maintained by The Nature Conservancy of Canada. Last year, they were able to secure and conserve 329,849 acres through their securement projects and conservation agreements.

The Nature Trust Of British Columbia

Nature Trust of BC owns and acquires land to protect the natural habitat and provide restoration of ecosystems. They are currently protecting 178,000 acres of land, which includes the acquisition of 5 new properties last year.

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada works to save wildlife in Canada through research, conservation, and awareness. Their work includes protecting wolverine populations in northern Ontario, studying the human impact on boreal caribou populations, the effects of climate change on freshwater fish in northern Ontario, and more.

Wildlife Rescue Association Of British Columbia

Wildlife Rescue Association of BC (Wildlife Rescue) runs a wildlife hospital which provides medical treatment and rehabilitation for urban wildlife. To help educate the public and support coexistence with urban wildlife, they provide a wildlife hotline and information through local events. Last year, they treated 4,722 animals across 139 different species at the hospital, and raised 33 orphaned animals and reunited 74 wildlife babies with their mothers.
Women and Girls

WISH Drop In Centre Society

The WISH Drop-In Centre provides services to women in Downtown Eastside including drop-in centres, learning centres, and mobile outreach vans. Last year, they served 9,000 meals, provided health services to 800 individuals through the outreach van, and helped 30 women move to safer sex work, reduce their reliance on sex work, or exit sex work entirely.

World Animal Protection Canada

World Animal Protection Canada is a part of an international organization that helps animals everywhere live free from suffering. They protect animals through rescue operations during disasters, and advocate for a more humane treatment of animals. Last year, they improved the lives of 2.3 million pigs through their work with pork producers in Thailand, vaccinated 97,000 dogs in Africa, and more.

World Wildlife Fund

World Wildlife Fund Canada is part of a global network of organizations in over 100 countries working to protect nature, combat climate change, and reverse wildlife decline. Last year, WWF Canada contributed over $500,000 to help with the Australian wildfire relief. They also protected over 39,000 hectares of native plant habitat in Ontario.



519 Church Street Community Centre

The 519 provides support and services to the evolving needs of the LGBTQ+ community in Toronto. They provide services like counselling, refugee support, and trans programming. Last year, 1,947 refugees and newcomers received one-on-one settlement support and 107 homeless youths were successfully housed.
Black Resilience

Across Boundaries

Across Boundaries provides mental health support and services, specifically working within anti-racism, anti-black racism and anti-oppression frameworks. Last year, they helped 326 people through the mental health program, and 29 people were provided with short-term crisis beds.

Alberta Institute For Wildlife Conservation

Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC) is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of injured and orphaned wildlife. As part of prevention, AIWC also educates the public on environmental protection and wildlife concerns. Last year, AIWC admitted 1,484 animals to their veterinary hospital, including rehabilitating and releasing their first black bear cub.
Indigenous Resilience


Anduhyaun works to support Indigenous women and their children to maintain their cultural identity, self-esteem, and economic, physical, and spiritual well-being. Last year, they provided 243 women and 34 children with safe shelter and counselling. They also provided transitional housing for 20 families, including 11 new families and 8 families who were able to move to permanent / affordable housing.
Indigenous Resilience

Anishnawbe Health Toronto

Anishnawbe Health provides both western and traditional health care modelled on Indigenous culture and traditions. They provide numerous health services including primary care, palliative care, mental health programming, pre and post natal programs, 2 spirit and transgender programs, traditional healing services, and many more.

Canadian Wildlife Federation

The Canadian Wildlife Federation works to conserve wildlife across Canada by connecting Canadians with nature and promoting the wise use of our natural resources. Last year, the Canadian Wildlife Federation worked on research to come up with ropeless fishing gear that prevents injuries and deaths to aquatic life, including the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. They also created a Canada wide pollinator highway, educated the public on endangered bat and turtle species, and ran school programs to connect youth to nature and conservation.
Asian Resilience

Carefirst Seniors & Community Services Association

Carefirst provides an integrated model of care for seniors in the Toronto area, focused on providing culturally and linguistically sensitive services. Last year, they delivered 7,441 packages of clothing and masks, 10,224 meals and food hampers, as well as virtual health education sessions to over 1,800 viewers.
Afghanistan Relief, Newcomers

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre

Christie Refugee Welcome Centre provide services to refugees, like safe temporary housing, resources, and follow-up support to help guide them through the settlement process. Last year, they served 11,419 people in total.

David Suzuki Foundation

The David Suzuki Foundation works to conserve and protect the natural environment through evidence based research, education, and policy analysis. Last year, they launched the Clean Power Pathways, a project to deliver choices and effective approaches to meet energy and climate goals. Their Butterflyway Project continues to help grow highways of pollinator habitat throughout Canada to feed and shelter pollinators.
Indigenous Resilience

Dilico Anishinabek Family Care

Dilico provides a range of individual, family, and community health programs to the Anishinabek people. Located in the Fort William Reserve, they promote healing and well-being in a way that respects values, culture and traditions. Last year, they provided over 50,000 health client services and completed over 1,000 child welfare investigations.
Asian Resilience, COVID-19, Holiday, Mental Health

Distress Centres of Toronto

Distress Centres Toronto provides 12 crisis lines aimed at different types of counselling support. These programs include suicide prevention, senior support, multi-lingual support, connections to emergency medical services, and more.
Asian Resilience


Based in Calgary, Diversecities assists visible minorities with economic integration, social connection, well-being, and learning. They provide a variety of services including bridging newcomers, food assistance, language and social groups for seniors, and financial coaching programs. Last year, they provided 27 families with food, referred 35 clients to counselling, and helped file 750 tax returns.
Afghanistan Relief, COVID-19, Haiti Earthquake Relief

Doctors Without Borders Canada

Doctors Without Borders Canada (MSF) is leading the global COVID-19 response by providing case management, carrying out infection control, and building health structures to treat COVID-19 patients in over 70 countries. As of August 2021, they’re also on the ground in Haiti providing direct care to those affected by the earthquake, and also in Afghanistan, providing critical medical care.


Ecojustice uses the law to defend nature, combat climate change, and fight for a healthy environment for all. Currently, they have 31 active court cases to safeguard the climate for current and future generations.

Environmental Defence Canada

Environmental Defence works to defend clean water, the climate, and healthy communities in Canada. They focus on 6 main issues: ensuring safe products, stopping climate change and creating jobs in the clean economy, growing Ontario's Greenbelt, protecting Canada's fresh water, ending plastic pollution, and helping beach and marinas reach the blue flag eco certification.
Afghanistan Relief, COVID-19, Newcomers

FCJ Refugee Centre

FCJ Refugee Centre helps uprooted people settle in Canada. They provide refugee protection, assistance with paperwork, interpretation services, and referrals to immigration lawyers. Last year, they helped resettle 39,000 individuals to Canada.
Black Resilience


FoodShare is a food bank with a focus on food injustice and food insecurity faced by Black, Indigenous, people of colour, and people with disabilities. Last year, they reached 264,089 people with food, and delivered over 1.6 million pounds of produce.

Forest Stewardship Council

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certifies timber products to ensure responsibly managed forests as well as social and environmental best practices along the supply chain. They help consumers make choices at the product level to support healthy forests and an ethical forest industry. 16% of Canada's forests are FSC certified, and FSC issued 633 chain of custody certificates in Canada last year.
Asian Resilience

Hong Fook Mental Health Foundation

Hong Fook provides programs that assist people with mental disorders, reduce stigma around mental health, and promote healing and wellbeing. They focus on delivering culturally-sensitive support to the Cambodian, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese community in the Greater Toronto Area. Last year, they helped over 2,200 clients with various mental and physical health challenges.
Haiti Earthquake Relief

Humanitarian Coalition

Humanitarian Coalition members and their local partners are actively responding to the Haiti earthquake and supporting emergency rescue efforts. Donations go towards emergency supplies (shelters, blankets, clean water, sanitation), child safety (reuniting children with families, ensuring safety and psychological well-being), and ongoing needs (political and social unrest, COVID-19).
Afghanistan Relief

Islamic Relief Canada

Islamic Relief is an international aid charity guided by the values and teachings of the Qur’an and the prophetic example. They work to respond rapidly to disasters, provide basic necessities, and fight the root causes of poverty. Islamic Relief is currently on the ground in Afghanistan providing food packs and other emergency response supports.
Black Resilience

John Howard Society of Canada

John Howard Society of Canada works with individuals who come into conflict with the law to understand and respond to issues related to crime and the criminal justice process. Many John Howard chapters provide court diversion, alternative detention, and bail facilitation programs which helps minimize time spent in the justice system. John Howard Societies also run programs to assist with transitional housing, employment, and counselling to help people successfully transition out of the prison system.
Indigenous Resilience

Ka Ni Kanichihk

Ka Ni Kanichihk provides Indigenous designed and led programs and services for Winnipeg's Indigenous community. They provide youth mentorships and risk prevention programs, culturally safe daycare, food and housing security services, as well as violence prevention and intervention programs.
Afghanistan Relief, Newcomers

Kinbrace Community Society

Kinbrace provides housing, orientation, accompaniment, and education services to refugee claimants in Canada. Last year, they helped 39 refugee claimants move from homelessness to permanent housing and provided 46 newcomers with comprehensive integration support.

LGBT Youth Line

LGBT Youth Line supports LGBTQ+ youth in need by connecting them with LGBTQ+ volunteers. Through live chat, calls, and text, they address isolation and lack of information in the LGBTQ+ community. Last year, the Youth Line supported 4,721 youths with issues such as relationships with family and peers, questioning gender and sexuality, coming out, bullying, and isolation.
Asian Resilience

Love Toronto

Love Toronto works to support the Korean-Canadian community and Korean immigrants. They provide assistance in overcoming obstacles that arise from cultural, language, or social barriers. Their programs include free medical consultation services for Koreans without OHIP, connections to Korean-speaking lawyers, and referrals to mental health support, grocery shopping assistance, and meal services.
Afghanistan Relief

Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation

Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation is working directly with the Government of Canada to resettle persecuted Afghan Sikhs and Hindus.
Indigenous Resilience

Miskanawah Community Services

Miskanawah provides Indigenous focused support to children and youth in Calgary and the surrounding area. Last year, they provided over 3,500 home visits for child development and culture programs. They worked with 27 at-risk youth to prevent re-involvement in crime as well as helping 14 youths transition successfully to independent living.
Asian Resilience

Mon Sheong Foundation

Mon Sheong promotes Chinese heritage by caring for the elderly and the young in the Great Toronto Area. They run three long term care centres, adult day programs, three Chinese school campuses, as well as three independent living apartments and private care units. Their current capacity is 457 beds and there are over 5,800 clients on the waitlist.
Asian Resilience

Ottawa Chinese Community Service

The Ottawa Chinese Community Service works to advance social and economic integration and participation of newcomers, immigrants, and people of Chinese descent. They provide the Chinese-Canadian community in Ottawa with language assistance, job search and placement services, newcomer settlement programs, and family services for vulnerable Chinese seniors and low income families. Last year, they served 2,258 clients.
Black Resilience

Peacebuilders Canada

Peacebuilders Canada works to keep young people out of the criminal justice system, and advocates for change in both our justice and educational systems. Programs include court diversion and support, restoring positive school environments, conflict resolution training, and education about the legal system. Last year, Peacebuilders helped withdraw 61 charges against youths and helped 101 youths through the court diversion program.

Pollution Probe Foundation

Pollution Probe is focused on creating practical, actionable, community focused solutions in four key program areas: circular economy, energy, transportation and water. Projects aim to reduce food waste, prevent plastic pollution, increase non-emitting energy efficiency, as well as monitoring potential emerging contaminants.

Project 10

Project 10 works to promote the personal, social, sexual and mental well-being of 2SLGBTQ+ youth and young adults. Last year, they distributed over 1,000 safe sex and safe injection items, served over 200 meals, and conducted over 140 individual harm reduction appointments.

Rainbow Railroad

Rainbow Railroad provides the global LGBTQ+ community with information and resources on seeking asylum in Canada. Once they arrive, they are connected with other organizations and resources to help them settle and transition to life in Canada. In 2020, they helped 503 individuals facing persecution and violence. Since January 2021, they have received over 2,500 requests for help.

Rainbow Resource Centre

Rainbow Resource Centre, based in Winnipeg, provides support, education, and resources to foster a proud, resilient, and diverse 2SLGBTQ+ community. Last year, they provided workplace and school workshops that reached over 2,000 people. During the pandemic, they pivoted many of their programs to ensuring that families have food and basic items, as well as providing support over the phone.
Asian Resilience

Success Foundation

Based in Vancouver, Success Foundation supports Canadians and newcomers with programs and services in over 50 languages. Services includes newcomer settlement support, English language training, employment assistance, health education, affordable housing, and senior care. Last year, they received over 4,000 calls to their helpline, provided 144 seniors with care, and served over 70,000 meals.
Black Resilience

TAIBU Community Health Centre

TAIBU Community Health Centre provides primary health care services and health promotion programs to the Black community. They provide services that are culturally appropriate and effective at protecting and promoting the health of the black community. TAIBU also works with community agencies, such as providing 9,000 meals through the Malvern Food Bank.

The Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada works to conserve important natural areas and biological diversity in Canada. They have identified over 100 natural areas for critical protection and 209 species at risk, with 32% of those species having their habitat maintained by The Nature Conservancy of Canada. Last year, they were able to secure and conserve 329,849 acres through their securement projects and conservation agreements.

The Pride Centre Of Edmonton

The Pride Centre of Edmonton responds to the needs of people with diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. They provide youth and senior specific programming as well as newcomer community support. Last year, they supported over 20 refugee claimants.

Tree Canada

Tree Canada is dedicated to planting and nurturing trees in rural and urban environments. Last year, they planted over 350,000 trees across Canada through the National Greening Program. Other programs include partnerships with companies to offset their emissions by planting trees, as well as replanting trees after natural disasters such as Western Canada wildfires and hurricanes in Atlantic Canada.
Black Resilience

Visions of Science

Visions of Science helps children from low income and marginalized communities access to participate in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) programs. Every year, they improve knowledge and perception of STEM for 1,000 youth through workshops, STEM camps, hands-on learning, and mentorship.

Wildlife Conservation Society Canada

Wildlife Conservation Society of Canada works to save wildlife in Canada through research, conservation, and awareness. Their work includes protecting wolverine populations in northern Ontario, studying the human impact on boreal caribou populations, the effects of climate change on freshwater fish in northern Ontario, and more.

World Animal Protection Canada

World Animal Protection Canada is a part of an international organization that helps animals everywhere live free from suffering. They protect animals through rescue operations during disasters, and advocate for a more humane treatment of animals. Last year, they improved the lives of 2.3 million pigs through their work with pork producers in Thailand, vaccinated 97,000 dogs in Africa, and more.

World Wildlife Fund

World Wildlife Fund Canada is part of a global network of organizations in over 100 countries working to protect nature, combat climate change, and reverse wildlife decline. Last year, WWF Canada contributed over $500,000 to help with the Australian wildfire relief. They also protected over 39,000 hectares of native plant habitat in Ontario.